Brigitte Bardot

Brigitte Bardot

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


The simple definition of semiotics is that semiotics are the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation. A sign is made up of a signifier and signified (with words) the signifier is for example, the letters of the word e.g. C.A.T and the signified is the image of the cat .


        ^ SYMBOLIC^

Symbolic signs

We had to learn that the letters,which  make up different words and if  they represent an image they are symbolic.Some more examples of symbolic signs would be :

The peace sign:

The loo sign:

 A school sign:

Iconic signs

Iconic signs resemble what they represent,for example:


For example:

This photograph is of a  car - It  is Iconic.It resembles what the picture represents,it is simply a car.

This photograph is of a fish-It is iconic,it resembles a fish:

Indexical signs

Indexical signs indicate something by association.
For example :

For a picture of smoke it is indexical of fire.For a picture of steam it is indexical of water.

 This advert indicates heat and that the girl is thirsty because many things are melted,therefore it is indexical of heat.

Denotation and Connotations 

Denotation: denotation is when a sign refers to the literal meaning of the signified concept.
Connotation: Is when a sign refers to the meanings associated with the signified referent or concept.

For example:

  Dennotaton: This rose denotates  that it is a red rose with a green stem.
  Connotation:The connotation  is that this symbolises love and passion.

Anchorage and Polysemy

Polysemy: Is when you look at a photo and the photo could mean many different things,generally we are open minded when we look at photos-a photo could mean many things.

Anchorage: However anchorage means the ability of a photo  which is accompanied by text or sound to focus the message of an image so that it is interpreted in a specific way according to what the writer/journalist  etc wants.

The Jon Venables case

If you saw this photo above without knowing anything about the case you would think that he was just a sweet little boy.However if you read newspaper articles about the case and what he did your opinion would change quickly and dramatically .For instance ,if you read: " two-year-old he tortured to death...responsible for a shocking crime...killed a 3 year old ..murdered" .This would change anyone`s opinion of the boy very quickly.

Monday, 23 September 2013

preliminary poster analysis

Insidious 2 

This is a main poster  of the  film Insidious 2.It uses many technical, written and color codes which help in persuading us to go and watch the film. In this poster it shows a baby but it is not a cute baby which we normally associate with babies it uses dark colors purposely and it is very indirect which creates mystery and danger .Also  you cant see any facial expressions this adds mystery and suspicion to the poster .There is a large ,dark shadow behind the baby which is very creepy.The only light which is in the image is surrounding the baby and shadow this purposely  draws our eyes to this part of the poster.It uses low key lighting to add to the dark , evil nature of the movie.The camera angle is high, it seems as if it is spying as the characters do not know that the camera is there,it makes the baby look very small and vulnerable when you compare it to the large shadow behind the baby.Also the poster mentions that it is made from the makers of "Saw" and "Paranormal Activity" ,highlighted specifically in red to emphasis that these are also horror/thriller films.Mentioning that the films are made from the makers of Saw and Paranormal Activity  puts the film into a specific  genre and it may appeal to some people.

Taken 2

This is a great main poster for  the film Taken 2. Its low key lighting is useful as it tells the viewer that the film has  quite a dark tone, it adds atmosphere and creates a mood of the film.The shadow to the left adds mystery as we don't quite know what is lurking in the darkness. "First they took his they're coming for him." This succinct  tag line is very sharp and it tells us that the "bad"  people are after Liam Neeson`s character which adds thrill. On the floor by his foot there are shell casings which tells us that bullets have been shot in the location which he is sitting in. This adds danger and thrill to the atmosphere.He is also holding a gun , the gun connotes vengeance,danger and power.All these things give us an insight into what the film is going to be about.Liam Neesons facial expression tells us that he is in trouble and that something serious has happend or is about to happen.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Thrillers-my first impressions

Shutter Island Trailer

The Shutter Island trailer  has definitely persuaded me to watch the movie. It`s very mysterious and it makes me want to watch more.Its music in the background which gives it a mysterious , tense effect.You see them arriving to the island by boat,and many of the shots show that it is an island.The fact that it is an island is exciting and interesting because it is hard to escape and hard to get to.The actor Leonardo Dicaprio  also has an extremely good reputation , he is a very good actor so this would persuade many people to watch Shutter Island-including me!The characters all look interesting and very individual and the  we can see that it is some kind of a mental asylum which is probably very corrupt-this definitely makes me want to find out more.

Along Came A Spider (2001)

The trailer for Along Came A Spider has made me want to go and watch it!We can see from the trailer that it is about a man who kidnaps a girl , he seems to have been a teacher at a very good American school, it is probably a school which many wealthy people send their children to as we can see that all the children work on laptops(made in 2001) and they have security in the school.
It makes us wonder how the teacher managed to kidnap the girl and it tells us that it is not a normal kidnapping.It is obviously quite a clever plot and it seems to be set in many different locations which make it interesting. The mystery  which is created by the music and what the voiceover says makes me curious to find out more. The actor Morgan Freeman also happens to be one of my favourite actors ,which helps in persuading me to watch the film. Actors can easily influence people into watching films.


My name is Gabby Warnford-Davis , I live in London and often go to my house in south of France -i love it in France,it is such a beautiful and special part of the worls.

 I am half Dutch.I am studying at Collingham.This is my AS Media coursework blog,this year i will be making an opening sequence to a thriller.

I am so excited about learning how to edit a movie and to learn all about the film industry because I have never really done anything like this before .Although 5 years ago, my older sister went to the school Hurtwood house and  they are extremely good at shooting movies , music videos and teaching there because it is their speciality. I was actually in her thriller movie at the end and it has really inspired me because even though my school hasnt got all the equipment, studios and  actors like Hurtwood house have , i think it will be interesting to see if we at Collingham  can make a thriller which is also good.

I chose media studies because i am extremely interested in the industry and thought it would be a good combination because i am also studying sociology which is about how people think/act/why and about society in general and why they behave in diffrent ways. I love movies! I definitely do not have a favourite movie. One that springs to mind however is the movie Blow because it includes on of my favourite songs in the Soundtrack by the rolling Stones -Can`t you hear me knocking. I also love the thriller Along Came A Spider, the disney film Jungle Book. And i love romantic comedys like Four Weddings and a funeral and Bridget Jones!
I absolutely love music and have been lucky enough to have two older sisters who have really influenced my music taste . My older sister is very talented in scouting musicians and many have become quite successful.One of them became  number one last year which is exciting! My sisters even used to take me for the day to festivals when i was as young as 11 or 12.I  am extremely interested in the music industry. 

I love music from The Rolling Stones to Beyonce! Music i like which spirngs staight to my mind is  The Black Keys , Heim , arcade fire ,the cure ,the pixes , London afrobeat collective ,Jay -z ,sean paul ,The Arctic Monkeys, upcoming artists like The Family rain, temple and tribes. They are all extremely different genres!I love a mixture of everything ,even classical music ,House and drum and base very occasionaly! My favourite piece of classical music would be The chorus of the Hebrew Slaves. 

I absolutely love cooking!One of the things i cooked recently in the south of france: Fresh Artichoke Spaghetti!