The simple definition of semiotics is that semiotics are the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation. A sign is made up of a signifier and signified (with words) the signifier is for example, the letters of the word e.g. C.A.T and the signified is the image of the cat .
Symbolic signs
The peace sign:
The loo sign:
A school sign:

Iconic signs
For example:
This photograph is of a car - It is Iconic.It resembles what the picture represents,it is simply a car.
This photograph is of a fish-It is iconic,it resembles a fish:
Indexical signs
Indexical signs indicate something by association.
For example :
For a picture of smoke it is indexical of fire.For a picture of steam it is indexical of water.
Denotation and Connotations
Denotation: denotation is when a sign refers to the literal meaning of the signified concept.
Connotation: Is when a sign refers to the meanings associated with the signified referent or concept.
For example:

Dennotaton: This rose denotates that it is a red rose with a green stem.
Connotation:The connotation is that this symbolises love and passion.
Polysemy: Is when you look at a photo and the photo could mean many different things,generally we are open minded when we look at photos-a photo could mean many things.
Anchorage: However anchorage means the ability of a photo which is accompanied by text or sound to focus the message of an image so that it is interpreted in a specific way according to what the writer/journalist etc wants.
The Jon Venables case
If you saw this photo above without knowing anything about the case you would think that he was just a sweet little boy.However if you read newspaper articles about the case and what he did your opinion would change quickly and dramatically .For instance ,if you read: " two-year-old he tortured to death...responsible for a shocking crime...killed a 3 year old ..murdered" .This would change anyone`s opinion of the boy very quickly.